Yesterday’s to-do list might have been short but somehow I still forgot to change the sheets! 🙂 Maybe I can chalk it up to pregnancy brain, ha! Luckily I didn’t forget to start dinner in the crockpot:

After a good workout and getting dressed, we headed out to Schlotzsky’s for a late lunch as a family. I had to document this moment because my husband decided he wanted to take the Schlotzsky’s challenge: drinking half a glass of Diet Dr. Pepper on an empty stomach before the food comes.

Why is this a challenge, you may ask? I’ve gotten extremely nauseated twice doing this at this very restaurant in the very recent past, and Noah got sick the last time with me! To see whether we just had weak stomachs or if it was a real phenomenon, Robert decided to try it for himself. My oldest also joined the challenge this time and within minutes fell victim to the dreaded DDP reaction of breaking out in a cold sweat while strongly considering an emergency trip to the bathroom.

Robert, however, did exceedingly well, and not only did he win the award for stomach of steel hands-down, his face didn’t reveal even a hint of green. 😂

Over lunch we collectively agreed that our idea of good family fun may be a little unusual.

Next on our family’s entertainment list was perusing Goodwill for a breadmaker, books, music, and any other treasure that may be unearthed like these beautiful Mikasa plates. I was SO happy to get all of this for less than $42!

I have had a similar set of Mikasa’s French Countryside for close to 15 years that I have loved and they have served us so well! And while I didn’t find a suitable breadmaker, I did find a like-new Instant Pot for only $7.99:

At our second GW, I found a 102-inch Christmas-y Pottery Barn table runner for $3.99:

Along with these fall-inspired throws for $3.99 each that were perfect for our club chairs!

We found a few other items (shoes, lamps, designer jeans!) and then headed back home for dinner. These Cholula cream-cheese chicken tacos hit the spot!

Robert and the kids finished up the night with a rousing soccer game, while I gladly took my doctor’s excuse or two and headed for a soak in the tub. 😀

Treasure of all kinds were more than abounding on this beautiful Thursday.

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