We’re making progress! We finally got to texturing:

This is the view from the kitchen:

I’m SO ready to get to flooring but it takes so many steps! Next up is paint and tiling, then when those are cleaned and done, the floors can go in, then the trim.

Today was exciting because we got the very first bed frame we’ve ever picked out new in 21 years:

We are officially running out of room for more boxes! 🙂

We are also running out of snacks, but luckily these ladies were excited about chips and salsa, a rare snack for us and pretty much all that was left to choose from:

Before dinner I successfully survived my first post-stitches workout, so hopefully back to exercising it is! I did 4000 meters, my longest row (maybe ever!):

I have a feeling it won’t be long and the house will be put back together and awkward wide rows will be a thing of the past! October is coming next week!

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