At my doctor’s appointment on Thursday I told the doctor I felt certain it would be a long while before the baby comes. But that same night I started having contractions! Friday morning I realized I really needed to get ready for the baby, so I opened this special box:

Unfortunately, after unpacking it on the floor with the littles a large mirror fell on my cheek and shoulder! It felt like a 2×4 hit my face. It was so very painful, but luckily not too obvious:

We worked on the house and I tried to stay off my feet if possible, but the contractions came back when I took a nap, which was alarming because I am not ready for this baby to come. I needed to hydrate to see if it would stop:

When we went out for drinks, I realized it was also a full moon. Maybe that was why I was having such strong contractions?

The Sonic carhop looked shocked when he saw me and asked when I was due. Well, any day now, sir and in fact we are trying to stop labor with all these drinks hahaha!

We did pray that God’s will would be done because He knows better. Either way this baby seems full-sized and ready to meet us soon:

Will #9 be my second truly early baby? Time will tell! 🙂

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