We are headed into a new week, which means another chance to finish our remodeling, ha! 🙂 Sometimes I question my sanity and how we thought we could finish these two projects in 4 weeks, but I’ve had so many pregnancies that we started remodeling in the last trimester and cut it close and got it mostly done- I shouldn’t be too surprised this one is no different! 🙂

Today we had to go downtown to pay a bill, and instead of eating out we hit the dollar store for a couple of cans of soup and ended up with all of this:

The baby tried to do some shopping too- I think she would be the perfect candidate for one of those shopping sprees. She is lightning fast when it comes to putting things in the cart she wants!!

We basically spent the whole time taking things out of her hands. 😂

Our goal today was to do a little flooring here:

And I want to get these baby items I washed reassembled and the curtains hung asap:

Now that it’s Monday I can say this baby is officially due next week! 🤗 I still have a long to-do list for us and I’m suddenly feeling energetic! Does this mean the baby is coming soon? I hope so!

Goals this week:
Haircuts for 2
Assemble washed baby gear
Refinish backsplash grout
Find t-molding, purchase + stain
Finish mantle
Paint mantle
Hang living room curtains
Hang bedroom curtains
Exercise 4 hours
demo + install Hallway/mud room/bathroom floor
Hang tv
Start gallery wall
Return items to hardware store/ Drop off returns at UPS
Organize garage
Drs. appointment

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