With nine kids, we have now celebrated over 100 birthdays for our children in our family! We don’t throw extravagant birthday parties, opting rather to keep things simple and celebrate with food and family on the day of the birthday most of the time. 🙂 Here is a glimpse of what we did this year for our 3, 7, 9 and 11-year-old!

Every birthday person gets a cinnamon roll number for breakfast. When we traveled, it was difficult to find or make cinnamon rolls, so we would buy donuts and do the same thing.

Our three-year-old loves Wild Kratts, so we adapted and threw a jungle party complete with zebra cakes in the shape of a zebra (thanks to Ivy and Noah!).

She was happy, and everyone else was to0! I try to include some kind of small party favor for all of the other children as well which makes it extra fun.

I let the children pick the kind of birthday cake they like. Sometimes I make them from scratch and sometimes we buy a cake or cupcakes at the store or make an ice cream cake. Naomi wanted a dirt cake for her 7th birthday. It was made out of pudding, cream cheese, and Oreos. Simple and super fun!

We also let them choose where to go out to eat for lunch! We all look forward to these birthday lunches.

For dinner, they usually pick something special, too. We will have anything from chicken parmesan to chicken nuggets and everything in between. This year, my three-year-old requested only Greek yogurt with honey. I went ahead and added dino nuggets and mac & cheese to the menu.

Even if it is simple, I feel like each child is celebrated in their own special way and I hope they feel the same. 🙂

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