One thing is for sure: living in a foreign country makes you appreciate what you have in your homeland even more. Relationships, a common language, resources, knowing what to buy at the grocery store… I could go on and on with a list of benefits to belonging in a culture. Home is a wonderful place!!!

When we were abroad we owned almost nothing of any value. Owning so little means having no maintenance to do and no home to keep, but the low-effort alternative of renting comes at a high cost financially. Returning to a place where we can own things again means back to real life maintenance, and thankfully a much lower cost per month! 🙂 Right now I feel so grateful for this everyday-kind-of-sight:

Another thing I feel extremely thankful for is a full-size refrigerator! I feel so happy to clean and wipe down this GIANT fridge!

And being home means familiar brands are no longer a luxury import. Hershey’s Syrup and Cool Whip can be found in any grocery store or even gifted to you by your mother-in-law after a birthday celebration. 🙂 These three were perfect for adding a few extra calories when we were trying to eat only leftovers for dinner:

Traveling is amazing, but regular life is really quite incredible too. Perhaps the best part of seeing the world is that it gives you new eyes, even when you come back home.

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