This summer I found a tabletop smores Element Stove on clearance at Target for $25, and the coolest part is that it comes with food-grade fuel! We used it for the first time and made smores on the back porch in just a few minutes!

Since the flame is so small we used regular forks to toast the marshmallows:

To make the smores we used graham crackers, chocolate bars, white chocolate bars, and the biggest marshmallows I’ve ever seen!

The middle girls had a hard time eating them because they were so big! 🙂

The baby was a big fan!

The smores stove was a hit, and the best part was that we didn’t have to gather wood for the fire or wait for it to go out! 🙂 It was easy, and mom and dad sure loved the memories made around the little fire on the little porch of our little house… 😀

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