Belated birthday celebrations continued this week; Isabella’s choice of her favorite lunch dining out was Mexican food since we had to get to the concert on her birthday. 🙂

After a fantastic lunch and more used book shopping we headed to Sam’s Club for our first real grocery trip since we got back. It felt SO amazing to be able to buy foods we recognize and enjoy!

The final cost was a little higher than Thailand, for sure:

But the fridge is finally stocked again:

I’m glad grocery shopping is done and out of the way for now because we are planning to start school tomorrow and begin renovating our house tomorrow! 🙂 Here is what is on my goal list for the week so far:

  • Make homemade Indian food for Labor Day birthday dinner
  • Make school schedule
  • Start school
  • Exercise 5 hours
  • Make new chore chart
  • Drink 4 gallons of water + increase protein intake
  • Prep for school (binders stuffed, software loaded)
  • Demolish fireplace exterior (we are remodeling it! 😅)
  • Order refrigerator + other items for house
  • Paint mirror
  • Paint special art project
  • Select paint for bedroom

I’ll be 34 weeks along this week, which means we need to hurry if we want to finish our little remodel and decorate before this baby comes! Renovating should help the time pass by more quickly, right? 🙂 Ready, set, 6 weeks to GO!

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