Our delivery person is probably starting to wonder if we have some kind of business at this point! If leftover cardboard is valuable, we are certainly rich! 😉 Box 182 was the last bed for the boys’ room:

My bedroom rug came in and the kids unrolled it:

And upon opening I found a surprise; the rug wasn’t navy like the pictures on the internet! 🙃

It will probably still work, and maybe even better than the blue I was expecting.

I’m also having a pivotal moment (ha!) with the fireplace surround. I can’t find what I’m looking for exactly so I’m searching out alternatives:

After our 1000th trip to Lowe’s, the tile/flooring guy asked me how many houses we have! 😅

I’m starting to feel like this too, at this point:

I’m now shopping for a way to bring my own purse-sized portable chair to the home improvement store. 😀

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