If you think our life seems like it is on repeat every day… you are not wrong. 😀

It feels like the last week has lasted an entire month! Now each mud layer needs to dry for 24 hours…🙃

We did have a new plot twist: we had another fridge delivered this week (the first one was dented, as was the second) but we still keep trying to get one perfectly fitted for this cabinet:

Trying to get a dent-free fridge is apparently as impossible as it is to find the new color we’re sampling on this wall:

Can you spot it? 😂 I tried to sell this small of a change as an advantage since it will be easier to cut in. I’m not sure the husband is convinced, but I think it’s going to look fantastic.

Another hugely exciting event is getting this Ergatta rowing machine on Marketplace:

It is amazing and was a steal… except it was actually broken and we didn’t know it until we got it home. The previous owners hadn’t used it in over a year so I doubt they knew it.

It seems fixable thanks to my very amazing can-repair-circuit-boards engineer of a husband. Luckily the rowing equipment itself still functions and you can break a sweat in less than 2 minutes. In fact, all the men in the house all got a fantastic workout in about 1 minute of use. 😂

I didn’t tell them if they were pregnant like me they could avoid all the effort and break that sweating record just walking to the car. 😅

I hope you’re having a great weekend so far!

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