One helpful tip you never knew you needed to know:

Don’t scoot back on the floor with scissors in your hand.

I was trimming Noelle’s bangs and scooted back to put the hair in the trash bin, when suddenly I realized I poked myself with the scissors in my other hand by my hip.

I’ll spare you the details, but the perception of pain didn’t correspond with the damage done, and I was shocked to find that I needed stitches.

So off to the ER we went at 10:30 at night:

More than in pain, I was severely annoyed at myself for doing something so stupid and so costly. It had been a long day and I was definitely not doing my best thinking. But I never would imagine that could happen to me the way it did.

Thankfully the nice ER we went to had copious amounts of chocolate and soda to console me:

I’m so grateful that we have the money and access to healthcare like this! I’m also grateful I didn’t lose an appendage or damage something permanently! The only thing that was hurt was quite padded and thankfully took the brunt of it. 😉 Let’s just say I’m having a little trouble sitting down today and it’s not because I’m busy. 😅😂

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