If the upcoming generation creates clay mortar and pestles are they innovating?

I like that they like to make things…especially dinner! 😀

This is most certainly an innovation you need to try. I created this combo as a child myself and it still blows my mind:

Of course, not all innovations have to be out there in order to make an impact. These walls might only be a shade different but I’m so impressed:

Speaking of small changes making a big impact, this picture would mean nothing to anyone but my immediate family:

This was the first time I was able to wear real high heels since last December thanks to my knee injury and surgery. This was a HUGE moment worth celebrating!!! 🙂

And another moment worth celebrating was seeing how we saved at least $3.99 in collecting pine cones from the side of the road!

Between crafting homemade pine cone wreaths and all of our DIY remodeling, I’m feeling like this:

When do we get our own TV show like Al and Tim? 😂

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