If you were to make a list of things you’d never expect to (and probably shouldn’t?!) do at 9 months pregnant, these would likely make it on the list:

1. Tiling a marble fireplace surround:

This was so messy and I wasn’t good at it but I was having contractions and we were running out of time so it was tile or no tile!

2. Grouting through contractions:

The next night I had contractions waking me up, and after timing them in the morning they were 5 minutes apart. It was getting serious, and we really started hurrying!

3. Installing wood flooring:

I’ve had an early baby 1 time out of 8, and that was 14 years ago, so I wasn’t ready for what I was facing!! I seriously pleaded with the Lord for enough time to finish our living room, and God really answered me and the early labor completely stopped! We FINISHED the floors last night at 38 weeks exactly!!! 🤗 Thank you, Jesus!

4. Moving a refrigerator:

This was not approved of by my husband (“Is that mama moving the refrigerator!?”) because he couldn’t see who was doing the moving but it needed to be done at the moment, and a girl potentially in labor will do what she needs to in order to get her house in order!

5. Walking out of the store to see this giant skeleton overtaking the backseat of a Jeep:

Okay, that could be unusual at any stage of gestation but I have never seen anything like it in my life! 😀

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