I truly feel so blessed to be able to travel to Auckland, New Zealand! We came here as a fulfilment of a dream of mine. After I tore my ACL and had surgery last year, I was unable to walk for nearly four months. Last July, I could barely bend into a squat. It was an awfully challenging time for me, as I had been working out and instructing fitness classes for so many years.

Throughout those immobile months, I did the Les Mills workouts I could in a modified way, even some BodyCombat during my labor in the hospital (I don’t recommend it with an IV in place, ha!). It was a secret dream of mine to be able to jump and side kick again and I imagined once I accomplished that I would go to a filming at Les Mills to celebrate my recovery. The Lord (and my husband!) was SO kind to me, and dreams came true this month!

I had the opportunity to go to three different class filmings, including the 100th filming of BodyCombat with Noah on his birthday!

What a moment it was to jump and kick in the background of a video! I am so very thankful for the chance to work out at Les Mills this last month. It has been an amazing second-phase rehab for my knee- I feel so much stronger!

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